Lap Trocar: Precision Medicine, Minimally Invasive Pioneer

Victor Medical's lap trocars are primarily used for puncturing the abdominal wall tissue during laparoscopic surgery to provide a channel for surgical instruments (such as endoscopes, surgical forceps, suction devices, etc.). They are widely used in various minimally invasive surgeries. Compared to traditional open surgeries, minimally invasive surgeries using lap trocars result in relatively smaller surgical trauma, leading to less pain, lower risk of infection, fewer complications, and shorter hospital and recovery times.

Main Components of the Lap Trocar

  • Canula: A metal or plastic tube with a sharp end used to penetrate the abdominal wall and enter the abdominal cavity. The inner diameter of the canula is large enough to allow the passage of laparoscopes or surgical instruments (such as grasping forceps, scissors, suturing devices, etc.).

  • Sealing Valve: A mechanism located inside the canula to maintain the airtightness of the abdominal cavity when surgical instruments pass through. This is to prevent the injected gas (such as carbon dioxide) from leaking during the surgery, maintaining sufficient intra-abdominal pressure for the procedure.

  • Handle: An external device on the canula for the surgeon to grip and operate. It may also include mechanisms to secure the canula to the abdominal wall and a valve to control the pressure or flow within the canula (though not all trocars have these features).

  • Blunt Obturator: Also known as a "trocar obturator," it is a sharp and smooth metal or plastic rod initially placed inside the canula to help the surgeon safely penetrate the abdominal wall. Once the canula is in the abdominal cavity, the obturator is removed to allow insertion of the laparoscope or surgical instruments.

Characteristics of Victor Medical Trocar

Victor Medical Trocar not only strives for excellence in its basic structure, but also demonstrates excellence in specific design and innovation:

Patent bladeless olecranon design: This innovative design achieves puncture by widening the tissue gap, greatly reducing damage to the abdominal wall. The knife-free design is safer during blind piercing and effectively reduces the risk of possible visceral damage.

Universal Seal Design: Perfect wrapping instrument rod to provide better prevention of leakage. Three-layers structure and special materials to ensure gas proofness performance. Accommodate instruments from 5mm to 12mm, no need for a converter.

12mm Optical Trocar: Visual access to ensure the insertion control.

Through these meticulously designed features, Victor Medical Trocar provides surgeons with a laparoscopic surgical tool that combines safety, precision, and operational convenience, resulting in less trauma and faster recovery for patients.

Precautions for Using Lap Trocar 

  • Before use, check if the packaging of the incision protector is intact, and confirm that the product is sterile and within its expiration date.

  • Handle the wound protector gently during installation and use to avoid additional damage to the incision.

  • Avoid direct contact with sharp instruments to prevent puncturing the wound protector.

  • Wound protectors are usually single-use products and should be disposed of according to medical waste disposal regulations after use, to avoid cross-contamination.

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