Usage Features of The Disposable Skin Stapler

Range of use:

1. Sterile disposable stapler is a one-time surgical device, suitable for general surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, gynecological surgery, burn surgery, emergency surgery and skin stitches in the field salvage.

2. Be used in operating rooms, maternity wards, emergency rooms, outpatient operating rooms and clinics.


1. Simple and logical design, easy to operate. Safe and effective surgery with smooth and accurate needle removal.

2. Smooth and beautiful sutures with small, minimal healing scars. Good compatibility with tissues, low inflammatory response.

3. The stitches are easy to remove, which will promote healing. Sterile disposable skin stapler reduces patient pain and improves surgical efficiency.

Performance of disposable skin stapler: good fitting ability. After fitting, the anastomosis can support pressures above 3.6Kpa without leaks and cracks. The indicators are clear and safety switching is flexible; the spring is sufficiently elastic and can be quickly reset when released.

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